The Egremont Historical Commission (EHC) was established in 1974. It oversees a local history museum and Town Archives Room as well as performs its civic duties under the Massachusetts Historical Commission. It is located on the second floor of the 1830’s Mt. Everett Academy building, shared with the Egremont Free Library, in the heart of the National Register Historic District of South Egremont Village.  Among other responsibilities, the EHC is charged with preserving collections in the Archives Room that encompass historic books, town records and documents, maps, photographic prints, oil paintings, local genealogy records, and other Egremont treasures.

Rebecca Turner, Chair
Barbara Kalish, Vice Chair
Francis Nestor
Elisabeth Wood

Associate Member: Richard Burdsall


“When you drive through the town of Egremont, Massachusetts, there is the distinct feeling that you have somehow driven back in time.  Certainly Egremont’s history goes back much further than its incorporation in 1775, to the original treaties signed along the Indian Line in the 1730’s.  The town figured in the Revolutionary War when General Henry Knox passed through North Egremont in the winter of 1775-1776 to deliver artillery that was used to force the British Army to evacuate Boston, and was well represented in the Civil War, EXCERPT: “Small Town - Big Preservation Efforts” Northeast Document Conservation Center